In the following items, Users refer to those who have accounts and register domains at CNOBIN. All users must comply with ICANN and CNNIC's domain registration agreement.

When a user change a domain's DNS to and, he/she is considerd to join in the domain parking plan and agrees with this agreement by default.

Users just need to change their domain's dns to and so that they can take part in our domain parking plan automatically .Cnobin will view reports of Parking Traffic and revenue to users termly and pay the revenue to users'account at Cnobin.

Users will be paid on a monthly payment cycle, for each month, fifteen (15) days after Cnobin has received the payment from all its Advertising Partners for that month. This would approximately be forty five (45) days after the end of each calendar month. (such as calculate the earning of March in May), and sum up every domain's earning and return the earning to users' account at Cnobin.

As long as customers register domain names at Cnobin, they have the right to change domain's DNS to & in order to take part in the Domain Parking Program plan.And they also can change their DNS at any time to other DNS and drop out of the plan. But customers should not use any illegal means to increase the visiting amount and click times of the domain. After the domain expire, the Domain Parking Program won't go into effect until customers renew it.

Cnobin can decide the pointed page of a domain that join in the Domain Parking Program, and has the right to judge whether visits to a domain are legal or not. Illgal clicking refers to clicks that are generated by forbidden means whick includes but are not limited in: manual click repeatedly, or using the clicking softwares. Cnobin do not allow illegal means to visit a webpage, and use software to watch such action closely. Cnobin has the right to cut down and get back the illegal benefits. After calculating a domain's earning, Cnobin will pay the earning into customers' account at Cnobin.

You've already agree with our DOMAIN PARKING AGREEMENT. You can cancel the function, but it doesn't mean the pre-actions that have taken effect will be terminated, and you can not escape any juristic results that indoduced by former dealings.